Are Snus & Nicotine Pouches Haram? And How To Order In Arabic Countries
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Are Snus & Nicotine Pouches Haram? And How To Order In Arabic Countries
Are Snus & Nicotine Pouches Haram? And How To Order In Arabic Countries

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UPDATED: Sep 24, 2024

Disclaimer: At the time due to indications we have received of sales to the UAE and Saudi Arabia being illegal, we have ceased shipment until further notice. But please feel free to read our article for up to date information.

According to the current rulings of Sharia, nicotine pouches are not Haram (forbidden), but Snus is forbidden. It is one of the reasons why Nicotine Pouches like the ones below are in high demand instead of Snus.

The following nicotine pouches are the most sold products in the UAE and Qatar.

There aren't many Fatwas (Islamic Legal Rulings) on Snus. However, by looking at the other fatwas passed on things like smoking and alcohol, we can understand why smokeless tobacco products are prohibited.

We'll approach the issue in a step-by-step manner to avoid any confusion.

Background: Rulings on Self-harm and Intoxicants

Anything that harms your health or befogs your mind is prohibited in Islam. According to one instance, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sent Mu’adh ibn Jabal and me to Yemen, and I said: O Messenger of Allah, there is a drink that is made in our land and is called al-mizr, which is made from barley, and another drink called al-bit’, which is made from honey.

He said: “Every intoxicant is haram.” According to the rulings of Shariah, anything that fogs your mind, clouds your judgement, or incites you to partake in actions that fuel harm are considered haram in Islam. 

Another ruling from Shariah bans the use of products that cause bodily harm. “Don't throw yourself into danger by your own hands...” (Al Baqarah 2:195). According to this ruling, even non-intoxicants that are known to damage your body are considered haram. 

Muftis pass rulings (laws) according to the Shariah, i.e, verses from the Holy Quran, Ahadees, and Sunnah. These rulings are clear cut for muslims and dictate what they should avoid. 

a can of snus and a can of nicotine pouches with a sign in arabic saying halal

Snus, Nicotine Pouches, and Other Products: Halal or Haram?

Snus and nicotine pouches are often condemned but not prohibited by Islamic scholars. One of the main reasons for the lack of a concise ruling on these products is their lack of popularity. Nevertheless, there are certain instances where you can infer the status of different products:

Are Nicotine Pouches Haram or Halal?

Nicotine is a stimulant that affects your mood, body, and overall life. While there are benefits, long-term abuse can cause addiction. It's why nicotine is often included in the list of harmful substances. 

Considering this, we can infer that nicotine is makruh or frowned upon. For an object to become forbidden, we would have to consult a ruling authority. We did send a question regarding nicotine pouches to and we'll update this post when we have a concise ruling. 

Is Snus Haram or Halal?

Snus is considered makruh by some people and haram according to other. Snus contains tobacco and is associated with addiction and countless health problems. Some of these health problems include fatal conditions like pancreatic cancer, oral cancer, and mood disorders. 

There are also various toxins and carcinogens found in tobacco. While snus rarely causes death, it can become an instrument for bodily harm. Because of this, most scholars discourage the use of snus and everything related to tobacco. 

Are Cigarettes Haram or Halal?

The Grand Mufti passed the first recorded fatwa against smoking in Morocco in 1602. The Grand Mufti prohibited smoking, but the people didn't like this ruling. The scholars/muftis who gave the fatwa had to flee the country.

In 2009, the Grand Majlis E Ulama of Indonesia deemed smoking in public and around pregnant women Haram. The Majlis E Ulama also stated that smoking alone was also Makruh (Discouraged). 

The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia also prohibited smoking. The main reason cited for his ruling was the adverse health effects of cigarettes. As of today, almost every grand Islamic council and sect has prohibited the use of cigarettes. 

Nicotine in Islam: Understanding the Rulings

Nicotine is a toxic chemical and stimulant that can significantly affect the way you perceive certain things. For example, you could develop mood disorders, using ZYNs can cause anxiety and even depression. Other forms of nicotine can cause even more severe problems.

For example, cigarettes contain over 7000 toxins, which can also cause cancer. According to Islamic Law, anything that cause harm to your body and is not a necessity is haram or at the very least makruh. 

The harmful effects of cigarettes have been researched considerably, it's why all four of the major schools of Islamic law, Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki, and Shaafi'i have prohibited smoking to a certain degree. There are no clear rulings on nicotine pouches and snus till date. 

Snus and Tobacco Use: The Abysmal Rabbit Hole

Snus is a smokeless tobacco product used as a substitute for cigarettes. In Norway, Sweden, and some parts of Europe, Snus is used as a recreational object. The high nicotine content and variety of flavors are enough to hook the attention of most thrill seekers.

Additionally, research from leading organizations like the NCBI and have concluded that Snus is less harmful than Chewing Tobacco and Cigarettes. Using Snus doesn't harm the people around you, either.

Cigarette smoking damages the lungs and bodies of the people around you. According to the NCBI, second-hand smoke is more pernicious to human beings than direct inhalation. Snus use is still frowned upon in Islam because of its long-term effects. 

Why Snus Is Makruh and Forbidden?

Snus is makruh because of its long-term mental and physical health risks. Snus users may experience:

  • Lack of Focus (More severe if you started using Snus at an early age)
  • Severe Case of Tobacco Addiction (Daily snus use means you are already addicted!)
  • Gum Disease (You can learn more about that here)
  • Mood Swings (Especially if you use tobacco every day)
  • Increased Risk of Oral Cancer (Less than cigarettes but still scary)

Minors are at even greater risk than adolescent snus users. Ideally, Snus should be used only as a harm reduction tool when nicopods fail in curbing your cravings.

Has the Ruling on Snus Affected people?

Unfortunately, no. The ruling has not been accepted by most Muslims around the world. Many Muslims in South-East Asia and the Middle East still use Snus. The prohibitions on cigarette and smokeless tobacco use have added a sort of societal pressure.

However, apart from this pressure, it hasn't been practical. Instead, the number of smokers has increased by almost 223%, according to the WHO. In the same way, the prevalence of snus use has also increased. Smoking and snus use among young teens is even more alarming.

A recent study found that university students were the most prevalent users of nicotine and tobacco in Muslim countries. We can attribute this rise in the number of snus users and smokers to societal changes and aggressive campaigns of cigarette manufacturers.

using snus and nicotine pouches during ramadan

Using Snus and Nicotine Pouches During Ramadan

Nicotine pouches and snus both break fast. During Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset, and are not even allowed to use profanities. Nicotine pouches and snus contain nicotine, which course through your bloodstream.

According to the definition of fasting, anything that enters your bloodstream breaks your fast. Inhaling or using any type of nicotine will break your fast. You can use it after your sunset, but not during the fasting period. 

Wudu and Prayer Considerations

Snus and nicotine pouches break wudu because they are stimulants. Wudu is a form of purity, where you clean your arms, mouth, and hair, to perform prayers, five times a day. Some people argue that even coffee is a relative stimulant.

However, nicotine products are mainly for recreation and productivity, while coffee is a food and beverage. There are no rulings about snus, nicotine pouches, and their effect on wudu. However, because of their stimulant status, they are suspicious. 

According to various scholars, when you are in doubt about your wudu, it is better to re-perform it. Plus, wudu only takes about five minutes to perform. 

When Are Snus, Nicotine Pouches, and Intoxicants Halal?

According to Islamic Law, impermissible things can become permissible in a state of necessity. For example, donkey meat is haram in normal circumstances. However, if you're stranded in a desert with limited resources, you are allowed to eat it.

This ruling comes from the verses: “And why should you not eat of that (meat) on which Allaah’s Name has been pronounced (at the time of slaughtering the animal), while He has explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you, except under compulsion of necessity?” [Al-An’am 6:119].

In the same way, Alcohol is forbidden, but you can still use medicines that contain alcohol when you're sick. Considering this, you can use nicotine pouches and other forms of nicotine if they serve a purpose. Overall, you should consider quitting completely, but you can use one substance to control your addictions.

Muslim's Opinion on Snus & Nicotine Pouches

Peoples opinion on snus and nicotine pouches vary significantly. For example, here's a thread from the Subreddit, r/Islam, that asks about nicotine pouches:

It compares nicotine to caffeine and asks why nicotine would be haram. In the replies, countless people argue about the use of nicotine as a stimulant drug and its long-term health effects. 

Some people argue that nicotine pouches are not completely harmful. They have their benefits, like better awareness, cognition, attentiveness, which makes them better than cigarettes. They argue that using it in moderation is normal and permissible.

We are not muftis and scholars, and cannot make a decisive fatwa on the legality of nicotine. You should consult a person of authority and knowledge in your school of thought for a definitive answer. 

Snus and Nicotine Pouches in Arabic Countries: Legal and Cultural Perspectives

The legality of snus and nicotine pouches change according to different schools of Islamic thought. Let's look at the use of snus and it's legality according to Islamic law in different regions.

Snus and Nicotine Pouches in South East Asia

Snus and its regional variant "naswar" are a very significant part of the culture in South East Asian countries, specifically Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Sri-Lanka. You can find filtered pouches with tobacco very readily in these countries and they aren't scrutinized by the ulama.

In fact, in most South East Asian countries, even the Ulema use snus, because of its cultural significance. According to the Hanafi scholars of the sub-continent chewing tobacco and naswar (snus) are permissible.

Snus and Nicotine Pouches in Arabic Countries

The use of snus is relatively low in Arabic countris because of its lack of cultural significance. However, the use of snus and nicotine pouches has been increasing in Arabian countries. According to GSTRH, tobacco use is projected to increase to 25% by 2025

Countries like Yemen, Singapore, and Qatar, have more than 15% of active smokers. The fatwas and rulings on snus are very diverse in Arabian countries. For example, snus and cigarettes are considered haram according to Saudi scholars.

Singapore prohibits the possession of snus. While you can use snus, cigarettes, and nicotine pouches without hindrances in Dubai, Yemen, and Bahrain. You'll have to check with the local mufti or ruling authority to find the  status of snus. Overall, it is discouraged and frowned upon. 

Addiction and Dependency: An Islamic Perspective

Anything that causes an addiction is frowned upon in Islam. This stems from the inherent idea that wordly desires should not cloud your judgement. Nicotine dependence in this case is one such worldly desire and it's why most scholars argue against it.

At the same time, some people believe that nicotine pouches and snus are a less harmful alternative to cigarettes. According to Think Global, nicopods are the least harmful way of ingesting nicotine. Naturally, some scholars permit its use to break addictions. 

Furthermore, nicotine addiction and the sentiment surrounding it changes according to regions. For example, in Asia, the overuse of snus isn't considered an addiction. It's a part of life for most people, like the Swedes.

In Saudi Arabia, snus isn't a part of the culture and people are mostly against it. The Islamic perspective on nicotine addiction is entertwined with culture and there is no clarity in either side. However, it is an undeniable alternative to killers like cigarettes. 

How can I Quit Tobacco Smoking?

We understand that quitting cigarette use isn't easy, but it isn't impossible either. You can say bye-bye to your addictions with a bit of effort and the proper routine. The ideal way to eliminate your addictions is to find a less harmful substitute and reduce your dependence until your nicotine dependence is no more.

We usually recommend switching to smokeless tobacco and then to nicopods because it makes the transitions easier. However, since snus is forbidden, you can try strong nicopods. It may sound confusing, which is why we've created a guide on How to Quit smoking for our Nico-fam. You should also check out 10 Best Tobacco Free Nicopods if you need some recommendations.

Halal Alternatives for Smoking Cessation?

Since both snus and nicotine pouches are frowned upon, there are some halal alternatives that you can try. One of the easiest and safest alternatives is VELO ZERO, an energy pouch that does not contain the addictive chemical, nicotine. You can use them to get rid of the oral fixation.

Alternatively, you can use foods that are rich in nicotine. Countless foods like eggplants, potatoes, and tomatoes, contain minute amounts of nicotine, that can quell your cravings. Alternatively, you can consult a doctor.

According to Islamic shariah, medications that would otherwise be forbidden are allowed in a state of necessity. Naturally, if the doctor prescribes nicotine gum or patches, you can use them without inhibition. 

Conclusion: Are Nicotine Pouches and Snus Haram?

Nicotine pouches and snus are considered makruh or frowned upon in most countries. They break fast and wudu, which means most people should avoid them. However, the rulings are still not clear on either on these nicotine products.   The rulings are generally related to the culture of specific areas. For example, it's perfectly permissible in Asia, but discouraged in Arabian countries. We are not authorized to pass a fatwa on the legality or permissibility of snus or nicotine pouches.   Since it's an aspect of religion and sensitivity, we highly recommend consulting a mufti or scholar. It will give you a clear guideline of what you should or shouldn't do. For a universally safe alternative, try VELO ZERO pouches. These are nicotine free and completely halal. 

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