What is Swedish Snus? Everything About Swedish Smokeless Tobacco

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What is Swedish Snus? Everything About Swedish Smokeless Tobacco
What is Swedish Snus - Everything You Need To Know About Snus

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UPDATED: September 24, 2024

Swedish snus is a smokeless tobacco product that comes in loose form or portion packets. The products are made by grinding tobacco leaves, refining them, and mixing them with different ingredients like filler, arabic gum, and flavorings. Swedish snus is known particularly for its high-quality products and outstanding flavor. 

Snus was first created by the Swedish Match Company over 200 years ago and is still manufactured today. It's made from air-dried and cured tobacco (which contains no sugar). The tobacco is then ground into a paste and mixed with water. Afterward, it is divided into portions or tins for snus users worldwide.

What Does Snus Mean: Etymology and Origins

The word snus, also known as snus Snoos, Snuz, Snoose, is derived from the Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian word Snustobak. The word Tobak or Tobakk comes from Norwegian and is derived from the Spanish word Tabaco. 

The word snus is pronounced as Snoos or Snooz and the earliest known use of this word from this is from the Hartford Courant newspaper, 1916. In modern times, the phrase Swedish Snus is associated with a certain type of pasteurized tobacco portions. 

Swedish Origins of Snus: A Brief History

Snus has a long history, that all started with one French diplomat, thinker, and philosopher named Jean Nicot De Villemain. Jean Nicot lived in Portugal and cultivated tobacco in his backyard. Nicot was studying the medicinal properties of tobacco and was quick to identify its uses.

Jean Nicot also used the nasal tobacco powder to help Catherine De Merci with her migraines. Tobacco became a popular element of French bureaucracy and the phenomenon spread. In 1724, King Fredrik I passed a decree asking the people of Sweden to cultivate their own tobacco. 

Nasal tobacco was challenging to use because of its messy nature. Instead of using the powder, the people of Sweden mixed the powder with water, herbs, and spices. The mixture was fermented into a paste and so began the age of snus. 

Jean Nicot where did swedish snus come from

Popularization of Snus

The traditional fermentation method had its flaws, mainly the production time. According to the old production method, snus could only be fermented in batches for up to 6 months. In 1822, Jacob Fredrik Ljunglöf worked with Jacob Berzelius to create a new production method.

Instead of fermentation, they pasteurized the snus using potash, water, and herbs. The new methods reduced the production time to only one week. Jacob Ljunglof went on to create a brand named Ettan, that exists to this day.

Snus became a part of Swedish culture and was introduced to the US with the first Swedish immigration. The product gained popularity during the 1980s with the introduction of White Portions. Today, snus is a global phenomenon thanks to its value as a cigarette alternative. 

How is Swedish Snus Made?

Swedish Snus is made with handpicked tobacco. The tobacco is cleaned and refined, after which it is washed and air-dried. The ensuing production method varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. However, the general method includes pasteurization of the tobacco.

The air dried tobacco is put in giant blenders with salt and water, while the mixture is being heated. The resulting mixture is then cooled and other ingredients like flavors and gum are added. The batch is tested for quality through random sampling, and the mixture is stored into small packages.

Finally, each portion is packed into cans of 16 or 20, depending on the product and the brand. Swedish snus is popular for its unique pasteurization method that has maintained its integrity since the 1800s. 

What Are The Ingredients of Swedish Snus?

Here are the main ingredients of Swedish snus:

Tobacco Main ingredient, usually grinded and refined
Water For moisture control and cohesion
Humectant Added to act as a sponge for the moisture
Sodium Chloride Salt that acts as a disinfectant and preservative
Sodium Carbonate Used for acidity regulation, pH regulation
Filler Used to increase the volume of the pouches
Aromatic Compounds Makes the pouches smell better
Flavors Different food grade additives and infusions

The only difference between Swedish snus and other types of smokeless tobacco is the quality of the tobacco. Swedish snus has been clinging to a legacy of quality since the early 17th century. 

Does All Snus Contain Tobacco?

Yes, all snus contains tobacco because the very definition of snus entails a tobacco-based product. By that very definition, snus must contain tobacco. Products that do not contain tobacco are called nicotine pouches

What Are Snus Pouches Made With?

Snus pouches are made with plant-based fibers. Every pouch is paper thin but durable, which gives you a safe and secure experience. The pouches are also bio-degradable which makes them much more eco-friendlier compared to cigarettes and other plastic-based products. 

different snus formats

Formats of Swedish Snus

Swedish snus comes in two main formats:

  • Loose Snus: This is a snus paste that comes packaged in metal cans. The user uses their hands to form a pellet from the clay like mixture and put it under your lip. It's messy but offers a strong, unfiltered taste of tobacco, like chewing tobacco.
  • Packaged Snus: This is slightly moist snuff that comes packaged in different portions or pouches. Each portion contains a fixed amount of tobacco that you put under your lip. These pouches are less messy and offer different varieties of flavors. 

Most people today use the packaged portions because they are more convenient. Some people have started switching to nicotine pouches because of their convenience and effects of tobacco harm reduction.

How Does Snus Work: The Science of Buzz

Snus contains tobacco, which in turn contains the stimulant called nicotine. When you place the snus portion under your lip, it releases the nicotine. The nicotine then travels through your mucous membranes into your bloodstream and starts working its magic.

Nicotine binds to your nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, which releases dopamine. The dopamine influx in your system, makes you happier, more active, and energetic. This feeling of elevation is what causes the nicotine buzz.

After the initial flux, your body, specifically your liver processes the nicotine. The excess nicotine is excreted through your bodily fluids, and your body settles back into the normal state. Byproducts of nicotine like cotinine can stay in your system for a few days. 

What Makes Snus Products Popular?

In the U.S., the use of snus has increased because it's a great alternative to cigarettes. According to global studies on tobacco-related mortality, well over 8 million people die prematurely from smoking. It's a viable alternative for people who smoke cigarettes.  

One study published in the Harm Reduction Journal of the NCBI concluded that snus is safer than cigarettes. These products are easy to use, with no risk of fire or passive smoking. The nicotine content in these products is potent enough to help tobacco users quit smoking.

According to the same study, 45.8% of smokers who used snus for smoking cessation successfully quit their addiction. Only 26.8% of non-tobacco users quit smoking by using other nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products, like nicotine gum. 

Why Use Snus Products?

Swedish Snus is a leading harm reduction tool employed by smokers to avoid the risks associated with smoking tobacco. Here's why should should use snus products:

  1. You can use it anywhere
  2. It has reduced health risks
  3. You may reduce your cigarette consumption quickly
  4. You won't have to worry about the stench of cigarettes
  5. Spit-free and easy to use

Less Harmful

Compared to chewing or dipping tobacco, Swedish snus does not have an increased risk of oral cancer. Yes, these pouches have tobacco and naturally have adverse health consequences, but compared to cigarettes and other options, these risks are minimal.

Easier to Use

Swedish snus is also more versatile. Snus does not produce smoke, spit, or ash, you can use them anywhere to get your nicotine fix. It also doesn't leave a lingering smell, which could rat you out to friends and family. You can use it on a plane, train, office, park, or yacht.

No Second Hand Harm

Second hand smoke is more harmful to the people around you because of the increased toxin risk. Snus does not produce second-hand smoke, which means its harmless to the people around you. Snus is also much easier to dispose of because of its eco-friendliness compared to other products. 

a figure of a person having side effects from snus

Snus Side Effects and Health Considerations

Snus is a nicotine product and comes with its own set of risks. For startes, snus contains nicotine which is a very addictive material and can rewire your neural pathways. Abusing the substance for too long could cause nicotine dependence, brain fog, and a slew of other negative effects. 

Another side effect of using smokeless tobacco is the increased risk of oral problems. Long-term users have dry mouth and thick saliva, which causes dehydration more easily. They also have irregular bowel movements, because of their reliance on the  effects of snus. 

Snus also has a much higher nicotine concentration. Using portions that are too strong could easily cause side effects like nicotine overdose. You have to be very careful about switching to snus. If you need some help, try our guide on how to quit smoking with snus

Misconceptions About Snus

While we're on the topic of using snus and not using it, we might as well address some misconceptions. 

Snus Is the Perfect Smoking Alternative (False)

Some people glorify snus as a cure-all for tobacco smoking, which is not true. Snus, although safer than cigarettes, still contains tobacco, which means you aren't that far from the root of the problem. You have to be careful about using snus to avoid relapsing and regaining your cigarette addiction.

Snus Does Not Have Health Risks (False)

Every form of smokeless tobacco has some underlying risks or consequences. Tobacco is known to cause various cardiovascular diseases, although heated tobacco causes it more readily. Snus is more filtered, which makes it slightly better than cigarettes, hookahs, and other heated forms of tobacco.

Snus does have a reduced risk of pancreatic/oral cancer and almost negligible chances of lung cancer. However, it is still a fact that the effects of smokeless tobacco include cardiovascular and pancreatic concerns. 

Everyone Can Use Snus (False)

We can't stress this enough; snus is not for everyone. If you're battling with smoking, then you can use snus to kick your habits. If you've experienced smoking or other forms of tobacco, then you can use snus.

However, if you have never touched a cigarette and smokeless tobacco, please stay away from snus. If you want something to use instead, try VELO Zero, a new pouch with no nicotine that still does the trick. 

Swedish VS American Snus

The Swedish VS American Snus debate has been raging for a few years, but to be very honest, it's not much of a debate. Let's first understand the difference between Swedish and American snus:

Swedish Snus

  • It usually comes in pouches or loose formats.
  • The prominent flavor in these products is reminiscent of tobacco.
  • The levels of nicotine in these products are off the charts.
  • Some of their products use moist tobacco, while others are dry.
  • It is banned in some parts of the EU because of Tobacco Control laws.

American Snus

  • It is a mellower version of traditional Swedish snuff or snus.
  • These products use tobacco sparingly.
  • The nicotine content in these products is moderate at best.
  • They are dry and typically more washed.
  • American snus is more about other flavors than the pure tobacco flavor.

Briefly, Swedish smokeless tobacco products are more about strength and tradition, while American snus is more about modern flavors. 

Snus Effects: What to Expect

The immediate short-term effect is an elevated feeling. You feel more active, light-headed, attentive, and energetic. This feeling can last for an hour or two, until your dopamine levels get back to the normal state.

The long-term effects of snus are mostly negative, because it contains nicotine. Prolonged and excessive use can cause nicotine dependance, brain fog, lack of productivity, constricted arteries, and gut microbe imbalance. The health effects are dire for people who abuse snus. 

Speaking from personal experience, once you pop these things in, you won't crave a cigarette for hours if you're a casual smoker. Plus, the kicks of clarity are enough to make you feel like Aristotle on caffeine. But the negative effects are real, and you have to be careful about daily usage. 

How to Use Swedish Snus?

All forms of Swedish snus are oral, although the way you use them can vary. Here's how you use the packaged portions of Swedish snus:

  1. Order your favorite Swedish Snus online from Snusdaddy.
  2. Receive your products and remove their seal.
  3. Take a portion out of the can.
  4. Place it between your upper lip and gums.
  5. Enjoy the flavor and nicotine.
  6. Remove the pouch after 30 to 40 minutes.

You only need to put the snus between your upper lip and gums for the effects of nicotine to kick in. Loose snus is a bit different, so here's a detailed guide on how to use it:

  1. Order your Loose Snus portions from Snusdaddy.
  2. Remove the seal from the cans.
  3. Take out a small amount using your thumb and index finger. 
  4. Place the snus in your palm.
  5. Use your thumb and index fingers to shape it into a pellet.
  6. Place the pellet under your upper lip.
  7. Press your lip to shape the pellet according to your gum
  8. Enjoy the flavor and nicotine release.
  9. Take the pellet out after 20 to 30 minutes.
  10. Dispose of the used pellet accordingly.

Remember to wash your hands before using loose snus. Also, remember that loose snus use is a bit messy, so expect some drip when you're taking out the used pellet.

Best Snus Brands 

Every guide would be incomplete without recommendations. So, here are some of the leading snus brands that you can and should try:

  1. General Snus
  2. Siberia Snus
  3. Nick & Johnny
  4. Kronan Snus

1. General Snus

Originally, this snus was developed by Johan A. Boman in the 18th century. As mentioned earlier, Swedish snus is made from cured tobacco leaves pressed into a paste. The paste is then shaped into small pellets called prillor (singular: prilla), which are placed inside a pouch made of dried leaves or paper.

General snus holds true to the original creation method. Their products are slightly moist and runny, with a dark color. If you want to experience the classic flavors of snus, then General is your go-to brand. The nicotine strength of their products can go as high as 40 mg/g.

2. Siberia Snus

Snus in Sweden has evolved over the centuries, and a testament to this evolution is Siberia. This brand has managed to take the traditional snus flavor and combine it with the passionate (Borderline intense) modern mint, peppermint, and citrus flavors.

Like General Snus, Siberia offers some of the most potent products on the market. Siberia Snus is a subsidiary of GN Tobacco, a leading producer of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products.

3. Nick & Johnny Snus

Nick & Johnny is a marriage between tradition and new-age modernism. It's like a mix of Siberia Snus and General Snus, but with a more creative approach. The brand was launched in Norway, where it quickly gained recognition for a unique array of mint flavors and strong nicotine concentration.

Nick & Johnny Snus strengths vary between 10 and 18 mg of nicotine per pouch. Some of the most popular flavors include Green Ice, Red Hot, and Crushed Ice. It's a must-try pouch for people who prefer smokeless tobacco use, without distorted flavors.

4. Kronan Snus

While all the other snus manufacturers are experimenting with new flavors and methods, Kronan is doing the opposite. Kronan's motto is “Every day; we stray further from God,” which is why they've decided to stick to the good old flavors and portions.

All Kronan products are known for their traditional flavors. Users of snus, who crave something classic, should try Kronan at least once. This brand is also a subsidiary of Swedish Match.

Best Snus Products

Here are some of the best snus products from popular brands:

  • Lab 02 Slim Strong
  • Skruf No.29 Extra Strong
  • General Original Portion
  • Siberia -80 Black Portion
  • Jakobsson's Strong Wintergreen

Is Snus Legal? Global Reception on Smokeless Tobacco

The sale of snus is illegal in Australia, New Zealand, and most of the EU. The only countries where snus is still legal to sell is Sweden. Despite the law, only the sale of snus is illegal in these countries.

You can still use snus if you have it in your possession. There are workarounds to acquiring snus thanks to various online retailers and legal clauses. As for the reception to snus, countries are conflicted.

Some people believe it's a viable alternative to cigarettes, while others think it's a backdoor for big tobacco companies who know cigarettes won't last. It's why there have been talks a of snus and ZYN ban in the US. People are also concerned about the lack of research regarding snus. 

Swedish Snus Summary in 1 Minute

Now that we have extolled the praises of the ever glorious snus, it's time to bestow upon our nico family a gift. Since Snusdaddy is dedicated to erasing cigarettes and to healthier lungs, we have decided to make your snus journey as easy as possible. You can order bulk from Snusdaddy right now and get spectacular deals/discounts.

Not only that, but Snusdaddy also guarantees quick and timely delivery of all orders. Most of the Snusdaddy orders are dispatched within 24 hours. You will recieve your orders in 3 to 10 working days. 

Swedish snus is a smokeless tobacco product that comes in loose form or portion packets. The products are made by grinding tobacco leaves, refining them, and mixing them with different ingredients like filler, arabic gum, and flavorings. Swedish snus is known particularly for its high-quality products and outstanding flavor. 

Snus was first created by the Swedish Match Company over 200 years ago and is still manufactured today. It's made from air-dried and cured tobacco (which contains no sugar). The tobacco is then ground into a paste and mixed with water. Afterward, it is divided into portions or tins for snus users worldwide.


Rising popularity of snus

How is Swedish Snus Made?

Swedish Snus is made with handpicked tobacco. The tobacco is cleaned and refined, after which it is washed and air-dried. The ensuing production method varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. However, the general method includes pasteurization of the tobacco.

The air dried tobacco is put in giant blenders with salt and water, while the mixture is being heated. The resulting mixture is then cooled and other ingredients like flavors and gum are added. The batch is tested for quality through random sampling, and the mixture is stored into small packages.

Finally, each portion is packed into cans of 16 or 20, depending on the product and the brand. Swedish snus is popular for its unique pasteurization method that has maintained its integrity since the 1800s. 

What Are The Ingredients of Swedish Snus?

Here are the main ingredients of Swedish snus:

  • Hand-picked tobacco
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Flavors
  • Humectant
  • Filler

The only difference between Swedish snus and other snus is the quality of the tobacco and its production method. 

Formats of Swedish Snus

Swedish snus comes in two main formats:

  • Loose Snus: This is a snus paste that comes packaged in metal cans. The user uses their hands to form a pellet from the clay like mixture and put it under your lip. It's messy but offers a strong, unfiltered taste of tobacco, like chewing tobacco.
  • Packaged Snus: This is slightly moist snuff that comes packaged in different portions or pouches. Each portion contains a fixed amount of tobacco that you put under your lip. These pouches are less messy and offer different varieties of flavors. 

Most people today use the packaged portions because they are more convenient. Some people have started switching to nicotine pouches because of their convenience and effects of tobacco harm reduction.

What Makes Snus Products Popular?

In the U.S., the use of snus has increased because it's a great alternative to cigarettes. . Thousands of Swedes have given up smoking by switching to snus.  According to global studies on tobacco-related mortality, more than 8 million people die prematurely from smoking.

One study published in the Harm Reduction Journal of the NCBI concluded that snus is safer than cigarettes. Compared to cigarettes, smokeless forms of tobacco like snus are much healthier alternatives. These products are easy to use, with no risk of fire or passive smoking. The nicotine content in these products is potent enough to help tobacco users quit smoking.

According to the same study, 45.8% of smokers who used snus for smoking cessation successfully quit their addiction. These products are easy to use, with no risk of fire or passive smoking. Only 26.8% of non-tobacco users quit smoking by using other nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products, like nicotine gum. Most of the NRT users were women.

Speaking from personal experience, once you pop these things in, you won't crave a cigarette for hours if you're a casual smoker. Plus, the kicks of clarity are enough to make you feel like Aristotle on caffeine. Who knows, you might even unravel the secrets of life!

Why you should use nicotine pouches

Why Use Snus Products?

Swedish Snus is a leading harm reduction tool employed by smokers to avoid the risks associated with smoking tobacco. Apart from this, snus has a rich tobacco flavor that makes each pouch a gift for smokeless tobacco users. Let's look at some other effects of snus and its advantages in detail:

Less Harmful

Compared to chewing or dipping tobacco, Swedish snus does not have an increased risk of oral cancer. Yes, these pouches have tobacco and naturally have adverse health consequences, but compared to cigarettes and other options, these risks are minimal.

Easier to Use

Swedish snus is also more versatile. Tobacco and nicotine dependence is a pain in the --- because you keep craving a cigarette in the worst possible places. You'll be sitting across a table, and suddenly, you'll want a cigarette. You can't smoke on a family table now, can you? In the same way, moist smokeless tobacco products make you spit a lot. You can't spit in front of someone else!

With modern snus products, you won't have to worry about any limitations. You can pop it in on the dinner table, while driving, or in a casual setting. Snus doesn't require spitting or inhaling smoke like other tobacco products—the ingredients go straight into your mouth and dissolve quickly without having any side effects on your lungs!

In addition to having fewer adverse health effects than cigarettes (FYI, cigarette smoking is associated with an increased risk of lung, oral and pancreatic cancer), research suggests that snus may have some positive health benefits. Mainly when used by smokers trying to quit smoking altogether.

Here is the shorter version of why you should use snus:

  1. You can use it anywhere.
  2. It has reduced health risks.
  3. You may reduce your cigarette consumption quickly.
  4. You won't have to worry about the stench of cigarettes.
  5. Spit-free and easy to use.

Misconceptions About Snus

While we're on the topic of using snus and not using it, we might as well address some misconceptions. 

Misconceptions about snus and nicotine pocuehs

Snus Is the Perfect Smoking Alternative (False)

Some people glorify snus as a cure-all for tobacco smoking, which is not true. Snus, although safer than cigarettes, still contains tobacco, which means you aren't that far from the root of the problem. You have to be careful about using snus to avoid relapsing and regaining your cigarette addiction.

Snus Does Not Have Health Risks (False)

Every form of smokeless tobacco has some underlying risks or consequences. Tobacco is known to cause various cardiovascular diseases, although heated tobacco causes it more readily. Snus is more filtered, which makes it slightly better than cigarettes, hookahs, and other heated forms of tobacco.

Snus does have a reduced risk of pancreatic/oral cancer and almost negligible chances of lung cancer. However, it is still a fact that the effects of smokeless tobacco include cardiovascular and pancreatic concerns. 

Everyone Can Use Snus (False)

We can't stress this enough; snus is not for everyone. If you're battling with smoking, then you can use snus to kick your habits. If you've experienced smoking or other forms of tobacco, then you can use snus.

However, if you have never touched a cigarette and smokeless tobacco, please stay away from snus. If you want something to use instead, try VELO Zero, a new pouch with no nicotine that still does the trick. 

Swedish VS American Snus

The Swedish VS American Snus debate has been raging for a few years, but to be very honest, it's not much of a debate. Let's first understand the difference between Swedish and American snus:

Swedish Snus

  • It usually comes in pouches or loose formats.
  • The prominent flavor in these products is reminiscent of tobacco.
  • The levels of nicotine in these products are off the charts.
  • Some of their products use moist tobacco, while others are dry.
  • It is banned in some parts of the EU because of Tobacco Control laws.

American Snus

  • It is a mellower version of traditional Swedish snuff or snus.
  • These products use tobacco sparingly.
  • The nicotine content in these products is moderate at best.
  • They are dry and typically more washed.
  • American snus is more about other flavors than the pure tobacco flavor.

Briefly, Swedish smokeless tobacco products are more about strength and tradition, while American snus is more about modern flavors. 


swedish vs american snus

How to Use Swedish Snus?

All forms of Swedish snus are oral, although the way you use them can vary. Here's how you use the packaged portions of Swedish snus:

  • Order your favorite Swedish Snus online from Snusdaddy.
  • Receive your products and remove their seal.
  • Take a portion out of the can.
  • Place it between your upper lip and gums.
  • Enjoy the flavor and nicotine.
  • Remove the pouch after 30 to 40 minutes.

You only need to put the snus between your upper lip and gums for the effects of nicotine to kick in. Loose snus is a bit different, so here's a detailed guide on how to use it:

  • Order your Loose Snus portions from Snusdaddy.
  • Remove the seal from the cans.
  • Take out a small amount using your thumb and index finger. 
  • Place the snus in your palm.
  • Use your thumb and index fingers to shape it into a pellet.
  • Place the pellet under your upper lip.
  • Press your lip to shape the pellet according to your gum
  • Enjoy the flavor and nicotine release.
  • Take the pellet out after 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Dispose of the used pellet accordingly.

Remember to wash your hands before using loose snus. Also, remember that loose snus use is a bit messy, so expect some drip when you're taking out the used pellet.

Best Snus Brands 

Every guide would be incomplete without recommendations. So, here are some of the leading snus brands that you can and should try:

  1. General Snus
  2. Siberia Snus
  3. Nick & Johnny
  4. Kronan Snus

1. General Snus

Originally, this snus was developed by Johan A. Boman in the 18th century. As mentioned earlier, Swedish snus is made from cured tobacco leaves pressed into a paste. The paste is then shaped into small pellets called prillor (singular: prilla), which are placed inside a pouch made of dried leaves or paper.

General snus holds true to the original creation method. Their products are slightly moist and runny, with a dark color. If you want to experience the classic flavors of snus, then General is your go-to brand. The nicotine strength of their products can go as high as 40 mg/g.

2. Siberia Snus

Snus in Sweden has evolved over the centuries, and a testament to this evolution is Siberia. This brand has managed to take the traditional snus flavor and combine it with the passionate (Borderline intense) modern mint, peppermint, and citrus flavors.

Like General Snus, Siberia offers some of the most potent products on the market. Siberia Snus is a subsidiary of GN Tobacco, a leading producer of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products.

3. Nick & Johnny Snus

Nick & Johnny is a marriage between tradition and new-age modernism. It's like a mix of Siberia Snus and General Snus, but with a more creative approach. The brand was launched in Norway, where it quickly gained recognition for a unique array of mint flavors and strong nicotine concentration.

Nick & Johnny Snus strengths vary between 10 and 18 mg of nicotine per pouch. Some of the most popular flavors include Green Ice, Red Hot, and Crushed Ice. It's a must-try pouch for people who prefer smokeless tobacco use, without distorted flavors. 

4. Kronan Snus

While all the other snus manufacturers are experimenting with new flavors and methods, Kronan is doing the opposite. Kronan's motto is “Every day; we stray further from God,” which is why they've decided to stick to the good old flavors and portions.

All Kronan products are known for their traditional flavors. Users of snus, who crave something classic, should try Kronan at least once. This brand is also a subsidiary of Swedish Match.


The best snus brands

Best Snus Products

Here are some of the best snus products from popular brands:

  • Lab 02 Slim Strong
  • Skruf No.29 Extra Strong
  • General Original Portion
  • Siberia -80 Black Portion
  • Jakobsson's Strong Wintergreen

Swedish Snus Summary in 1 Minute

Now that we have extolled the praises of the ever glorious snus, it's time to bestow upon our nico family a gift. Since Snusdaddy is dedicated to erasing cigarettes and to healthier lungs, we have decided to make your snus journey as easy as possible. You can order bulk from Snusdaddy right now and get spectacular deals/discounts.

Not only that, but Snusdaddy also guarantees quick and timely delivery of all orders. Most of the Snusdaddy orders are dispatched within 24 hours. Usually, our snus family receives their orders in 3 to 4 working days. What are you waiting for? Get your snus cans from Snusdaddy today.

That's all for now,

Take care, snus-fam,


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